e-mail spinshotsa@gmail.com for more details and to order

Spinshot South Africa

Spinshot South Africa

Spinshot in now available in South Africa. E-mail us HERE for more details and to order.

Spinshot Player

Spinshot Player is the most advanced portable TENNIS ball machine in the world.

Fully control Speed, Spin, Location, Height & Feed Rates, using the Machines Touch Panel or via your Smartphone or Apple Watch.

Follow the pro's training videos and use the App to download the exact same drill to your machine.

Professional Sturdy Machine which holds 120 balls and delivers them up to 128 KPH or as little as 28 KPH.

Battery supports 2-3 hours of play.

Customize Your Spinshot Machine

You can now custom design your machine. E-mail us HERE for more details & pricing.

The Terminator

Spinshot South Africa